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In this episode, we talk about our reliable performers — the games which will always be a success regardless of the group, but will never hit those same highs as our favorite games do. Still, this class of filler/gateway/reliable games is a useful one to have in your collection!
00:20 – Introduction
02:34: – Pick5: High Floor, Low Ceiling Games
- Tim: Splendor, Lords of Waterdeep, King of Tokyo, 7 Wonders, Deception: Murder in Hong Kong.
- Andrew: Kuhhandel Master, Century: Spice Road, Sushi Go Party!, Vye: Capture and Control, Tokaido
23:21: – First Impressions & Latest Plays
- Tim: Mystic Vale, Arctic Scavengers, Grimslingers
- Andrew: Mysterium, Samurai Spirit, Codenames Duet (with Dixit cards)